Weather and Climate Tools
Forecast Verification Summary
View a summary of forecast biases and mean absolute errors for Frontier Weather forecasts and various computer models over the last 90 days.
View a summary of forecast biases and mean absolute errors for Frontier Weather forecasts and various computer models over the last 90 days.
Historical Monthly Weather Viewer
View historical mnthly temperature, standardized precipitation, SST anomalies, wind anomalies, and velocity potential from 1950 to present for both individual months as well as for each three month season!
View historical mnthly temperature, standardized precipitation, SST anomalies, wind anomalies, and velocity potential from 1950 to present for both individual months as well as for each three month season!
Recent Weekly Weather Viewer
View recent historical weekly temperature and precipitation anomaly maps with comparisons to the same period last year.
View recent historical weekly temperature and precipitation anomaly maps with comparisons to the same period last year.
ENSO Graphics
Composite of latest ENSO (El Nino/La Nina) related graphics.
Composite of latest ENSO (El Nino/La Nina) related graphics.
Climate Index Roundup
Various climate index graphics including the AO, NAO, PNA, MJO, GWO, etc.
Various climate index graphics including the AO, NAO, PNA, MJO, GWO, etc.
Snow and Ice Cover Status
View current Northern Hemisphere and U.S. snow and ice cover information.
View current Northern Hemisphere and U.S. snow and ice cover information.
Drought Status Page
View latest U.S. drought graphics and information.
View latest U.S. drought graphics and information.
MJO Temperature & Precipitation Analog Viewer
Tool to view the current MJO phase diagram and analog temperature and precipitation maps for each phase of the MJO.
Tool to view the current MJO phase diagram and analog temperature and precipitation maps for each phase of the MJO.
Weather Calculator
Use tools to calculate Wind Chill, Heat Index, Dew Point, Relative Humidity, and perform some unit coversions.
Use tools to calculate Wind Chill, Heat Index, Dew Point, Relative Humidity, and perform some unit coversions.